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Student Leadership Development
Workshop for Faculty

Welcome to the facilitators resource center for the ASHP Pharmacy Student Leadership Development (SLD) Workshop! The SLD Workshop is a great way to expose students to leadership opportunities early on in their education. The workshop is designed to be interactive and fun with the goal of exposing students to contemporary leadership topics in pharmacy practice.

This program was designed by the ASHP Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders in collaboration with the Pharmacy Student Forum. You will find these resources helpful as you plan and implement a workshop.The SLD workshop resources are currently designed to support ASHP state affiliates based programs, but can be adopted for other settings.

The presentation is broken up into two sections. The first section is designed as a didactic presentation covering information on the pharmacy leadership gap, leadership versus management, career opportunities for up and coming pharmacy leaders, practical ways to build your pharmacy leadership skills, and strategies for gaining influence in your pharmacy career. The second portion allows students to breakout into smaller group sessions. This time is spent covering contemporary leadership cases while students utilize knowledge gained from both their experiences as well as from the didactic session.

Building a SLD Workshop

Having decided to conduct the SLD Workshop will be a rewarding experience. Student leaders are an enthusiastic and engaged audience! Specifics on assembling a workshop team, working with student leadership in your state, communicating with your state affiliate, marketing the workshop, and planning logistics for the day of the workshop can be found in the SLD Workshop Tool Box.

SLD Workshop Tool Box

For questions, Comments or more information about this section, please contact us via email at

Program Testimonial

What one of our facilitators had to say about this program:

I wish I would have gone through this workshop when I was a student. An ever changing healthcare landscape will require leaders in all areas of pharmacy practice – from executive pharmacy leadership to frontline clinical pharmacy practitioners. I am glad that ASHP has developed this resource so that we have a toolkit to help teach some of these valuable skills and ideas to our future pharmacists.” – Jordan Long, PharmD, MBA, MS, BCPS, Manager, Inpatient Operations, Cleveland Clinic Main Campus 

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Wisdom from the Pharmacy Leadership Trenches

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