Introducing ASHP’s Digital Health and AI Resource Center
Dear Colleagues,
Few topics have garnered as much recent attention and speculation as artificial intelligence (AI), not just within pharmacy but across every sector. Advances in digital health and AI have already begun to influence how pharmacists and pharmacy technicians practice and care for patients. We see its uses emerging in operational workflow tools, drug diversion, and clinical decision support, to name a few examples. ASHP is committed to helping shape what comes next.
Today, I am proud to announce ASHP’s new Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence Resource Center.
Our newest resource center offers the latest ASHP education, news, research, and advocacy updates — all focused on providing members with the tools and expertise necessary to advance pharmacy practice and meet the demands of an evolving digital landscape. It also serves as an important resource for ensuring pharmacy leaders and others have access to the latest ASHP tools and resources supporting technological innovation for pharmacy.
This week, we were pleased also to announce the appointment of the inaugural Section of Digital and Telehealth Practitioners (SDTP) Executive Committee. SDTP is ASHP’s newest membership section for pharmacists, student pharmacists, pharmacy residents, and pharmacy technicians who aspire to or practice in telehealth and digital or virtual care settings in which technology and data are used to support patient care.
The SDTP executive committee is an exceptional group of pharmacy leaders and innovators in digital health. The executive committee will hold its inaugural meeting at ASHP’s headquarters later this month. We are excited about the new section’s work as it helps guide the development of additional education, resources, and strategic initiatives that support digital growth and transformation for our members, patients, and communities.
ASHP is also preparing to host our first-ever AI Summit as part of the ASHP Pharmacy Futures 2024 meeting in Portland, Oregon. As I shared in my recent blog post, this summit will provide two days of focused content on the impact of AI in pharmacy practice and healthcare.
Attendees will delve into the current landscape of AI utilization and contribute to the development of ASHP’s future vision and agenda for AI integration in pharmacy. It will be an exceptional opportunity to gather and connect as well as participate in robust educational sessions and discussions exploring the role of AI in current and future practice models. Registration for ASHP Pharmacy Futures 2024 will open Feb. 8.
These are just a few of the wide-ranging initiatives ASHP is spearheading to ensure our members have access to the latest AI education, tools, and expertise. ASHP’s 2023 pharmacy forecast report and 2024 forecast report recognized the growing use of AI in healthcare and the need for the profession to contribute to how technology is being implemented in patient care — a critical point that further demonstrates the importance of these resources for the profession.
As pharmacy professionals, we must lead and contribute to all aspects of the medication use process — now and in the future. ASHP has been at the forefront of change and practice advancement for over 80 years. Throughout that time, our members have continuously proven their abilities to evolve pharmacy practice to remain relevant through change while providing safe and effective care that strives to achieve optimal health outcomes. Adapting to the evolving AI and digital landscape is no different.
ASHP is here to support you and is excited to continue this journey together as we explore and create the future of pharmacy practice.
Thank you for all you do for your patients and our profession.
Posted on February 1, 2024