Clinical Specialist and Scientist

Bringing Science to Practice
Sections and Communities

Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists
Professional group for ASHP members working as clinical specialists and scientists
SCSS on Connect
Member-only section discussions, blogs and announcements on ASHP Connect
SCSS on ASHP Connect
RE: Protamine - slow IV push versus IVPB March 11, 2025
We have an orderable that defaults to the vial (concentrated drug) on units where we stock protamine in our ADS [More]
RE: Protamine - slow IV push versus IVPB March 07, 2025
At my institution we have the drug set up as administered via slow IVP with nursing admin instructions stating [More]

Resource Centers
Materials on pharmacy topics that meet the professional needs of our members

PAI 2030

Current Shortages
Drug shortages that could adversely affect patients under your care

Shortage Resources
Drug shortages statistics, and best practices, guidelines and publications related to drug shortages

Conferences, meetings, workshops, and recertification courses for pharmacy professionals
The Pulse of ASHP and Healthcare
Paul W. Abramowitz
Pharm.D., Sc.D. (Hon.), FASHP
Chief Executive Officer