What is the Pharmacy Educators Resource Center?
This resource center aims to assist pharmacy educators by providing educational, precepting and personal development information, references, and resources.
Preceptor Resources include educational materials for new preceptors seeking to establish their skills or seasoned preceptors looking for preceptor development tools.
Residency Program Director Resources include webinars, reference pages, and guidance documents on how to begin or improve a residency program, navigate accreditation requirements, and overcome common challenges.
Pharmacy Technician Educator Resources focus on continuing education and resources relevant to pharmacy educators working to begin or expand their technician training program.
Leadership provides a number of self-development and educational resources for pharmacy administrators, preceptors, and their learners.
Professional Development offers opportunities to earn continuing education, certifications, or access certification and recertification resources. It also provides a number of resources on soft-skills development and well-being.
Research Resources offer support to new and seasoned pharmacists interested in research. This section can be helpful to faculty, preceptors, or pharmacy residents in every stage of practice-based research and publication.
Educator Resources by Specialty Topic offer focused content and activity recommendations for clinical educators in ambulatory care, pediatrics, population health, and other specialties.

Preceptor Resources
- ASHP National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference
- Interprofessional Practice & Education Resources
- Motivation on Rotation pdf
- Preceptor's Handbook for Pharmacists, Fourth Edition [Book]
- Precepting Millennials: The How with Generation Why [Webinar]
- Preceptor’s Playbook: Tactics, Techniques, & Strategies [Webinar]
- Preceptor Toolkit
- Practice Advancement in Pharmacy Education
- The Effective Pharmacy Preceptor [Book]
- Academic Education for Pharmacy Residents Destined for Nonfaculty Roles [Webinar}
- You’ve got a friend in me – Developing Interprofessional Relationships to Foster the Creation of Resilience in Clinical Learning [Webinar]

Residency Program Director Resources
- Residency Program Resources [Resource Center]
- Residency Program Design and Conduct [Webinar Series]
- Balancing Acts: Growing Residencies while Maintaining Sanity [Webinar]
- The Right Fit During The Residency Interview [Webinar]
- Winning Strategies: Creative Scheduling and Incorporating Residents into Organizational Priorities [Webinar]

Professional Development
- Board Certification & Recertification Resources
- Career Transitions [Resource Center]
- Certificate Programs [Certificates]
- Continuing Education
- Engaging Your Residents and Preceptors in Life-long Learning [Webinar]
- Pharmacy Practice Resource Centers
- Teaching Certificate for Pharmacists [Certificate]
- The Art of Dialogue: A Stepwise Approach to Effective Communication [Webinar]
- Well-Being and Resilience Resources [Resource Center]

Research Resources
- Research Resource Center [Resource Center]
- Essentials of Practice-Based Research for Pharmacists (Not for CE) [Webinar Series]
- From Practice to Publication: Helpful Tools for Successful Pharmacy [Webinar]
- Pharmacy Research Resources for Students and New Practitioners
- The Essential Guide to Pharmacy Residency Research [Book]
- Development of a Professional Poster Presentation [Webinar]
- Tips for a successful poster presentation [Publication]
- Tips for a successful poster presentation [Infographic]

Educator Resources by Specialty Topic
- Ambulatory Care [Web Resource]
- Emergency Medicine [Web Resource]
- Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership [Web Resource]
- Informatics [Resource Center]
- Medication Safety [Web Resource]
- Pediatrics [Web Resource]
- Pharmacogenomics [Web Resource]
- Population Health [Webinar]
- Specialty Pharmacy [Web Resource]
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