According to the CDC, nearly 42% of Americans have obesity, with estimated medical costs of $173+ billion dollars annually. While medications to promote weight loss have become popular, it is equally important to also review current medications for those that may lend to weight gain. Optimizing these medications with weight neutral or weight negative alternatives can help patients achieve greater success in their weight loss efforts.
- ASHP podcasts
- AGA Clinical Practice Guidelines on Pharmacalogical Interventions for Adults with Obesity
- Obesity Action
- Megan Adelman, PharmD, BCGP, BCPS, CDES
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Family Medicine at Cleveland Clinical Akron General - Angela Goodhart, PharmD, BCACP
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy and Family Medicine at West Virginia University - Emily Doycich, PharmD, BCPS
Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialist and Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Metro Health Systems