Additional Drug Shortages Resources
Legislative Advocacy
- Joint Letter of Support, urging Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), to advance MEDS Act (2/27/2020)
- Addressing America's Drug Shortage Crisis [11/05/19]
- ASHP Supports the Mitigating Emergency Drug Shortages (MEDS) Act [10/28/19]
- Drug Shortage Legislative Objectives [08/28/19]
- ASHP Applauds Senators and Expresses Support for Drug Shortages Task Force [06/21/19]
- ASHP Letter to Leaders of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee on Shortage of Small-Volume Parenteral Solutions [11/9/17]
- ASHP Testimony — House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health Hearing Examining the Increase in Drug Shortages [Video 08/24/16]
- ASHP Testimony Senate Finance Committee Hearing-Drug Shortages Why They Happen and What They Mean [12/07/11]
- ASHP Testimony House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Health Care District of Columbia Census and the National Archives Hearing-Drug Shortage Crisis Lives are in the Balance [11/29/11]
- ASHP Statement for the Record House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health Hearing Examining the Increase in Drug Shortages [09/23/11]
Regulatory Advocacy
ASHP Partners with AHA to Ask FDA to Address White Bagging [3/31/2021] (PDF)
- ASHP and Over 60 Health-Systems Request Meeting with FDA to Discuss White Bagging and the DSCSA [3/22/2021] (PDF)
- Breaking News: FDA Publishes List of Essential Medications, Countermeasures, and Critical Inputs [10/30/2020]
- "Buy American" Executive Order [08/06/2020]
- ASHP Expresses Concern for Drug Shortages in Comments on Controlled Substances Quotas Proposed Rule [10/15/19]
- ASHP Comments on Potential Impact of Tariffs on Drug Shortages
- ASHP Comments on DEA Proposed Rule on Controlled Substances Quotas
- ASHP and Healthcare Groups Urge the Drug Enforcement Administration to Adjust Aggregate Production Quotas to Mitigate Ongoing Drug Shortages
- ASHP Comments on Drug Shortages Notification Requirement
- ASHP Provides Recommendations to the FDA for the Drug Shortages Strategic Plan
Meeting Recommendations