January 2024
Dear Members,
Cheers to a successful 2023 and Happy New Year! We wish you and your colleagues continued professional advancement and personal growth throughout 2024. Thanks to the work of our Section Advisory Groups, Executive Committee, and all our members, we have many accomplishments to look back on in 2023.
We continue to see a very engaged Section Advisory Groups (SAG) with over thirty volunteers serving across three groups. In order to focus on member needs, we consolidated our four workgroups into three: Patient Care, Business Development and Practice Excellence, and Education, Communication, and Training. Our passionate advisory group leaders and members facilitated several webinars, podcasts, and toolkits targeting topics related to the advancement of community pharmacy practice. Below are SAG highlights from this past year:
- The SCPP produced a webinar on Immunization Updates 2023: Clinical and Regulatory Changes for The Community Pharmacy Workforce (ashp.org)
- The SCPP produced the following podcasts that discussed workforce topics, innovative care models, and clinical updates:
We enjoyed meeting our members in person at the 2023 ASHP Summer Meeting and 2023 Midyear Clinical Meeting. Enthusiastic discussion took place during our roundtables that focused on:
- Practice gaps and opportunities for community and ambulatory care practitioners
- Elevating community-based rotations for residents and students
- Digital health in community pharmacy
- The business and financial viability of community pharmacy
Thanks to your feedback, we will continue to develop the tools that our members need to thrive in an ever-changing healthcare field. To learn more, check out the SCPP member video introducing ASHP’s opportunities for community pharmacists.
The SCPP also continued to host the ASHP Community-Based Pharmacy Resident Network . During these bi-monthly meetings we see residents leading discussions, working on key projects and contributing to the ASHP connect discussions. We encourage our community pharmacy residents, RPDs, and preceptors to find out more about this initiative and consider joining us at a future meeting.
We have had a ground breaking first few years as a Section and look forward to the future! There are so many ways our members can provide input, participate and utilize tools designed for community pharmacy at your practice sites.
- A great way to become or stay involved in the Section of Community Pharmacy Practitioners is to participate in one of our Section Advisory Groups. I encourage you to apply here. Applications will open in February.
- If you are interested in contributing to ASHP’s programming during our conferences, I encourage you to submit proposals for educational sessions for the 2024 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting The deadline for submitting a proposal is 11:59 p.m. (Pacific), February 1, 2024.
We look forward to continuing to support our members in 2024. We encourage you to ask questions, share ideas, and network with your fellow community pharmacy practitioners. Please contact us to learn more about participating in the SCCP.
Thank you!
Ashley Boedecker
Chair, ASHP Section of Community Pharmacy Practitioners