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SICP Chair Message May 2023

May, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

And just like that, the 2022-2023 Section of Inpatient Care Practitioner’s season is coming to a close. This year was one that felt more “normal” and perhaps is turning a corner into hope and optimism.

I recently attended ASHP’s strategic planning retreat. This two-day event includes leadership from the ASHP Sections and Forums, the ASHP Board of Directors, and ASHP staff members. As we discussed the enormous challenges facing our health systems, we also spoke about the opportunity to re-frame our mindset to lead through change in a way that is productive. A leader made a statement that resonated with me. These are not the exact words, but a version I made note of during the presentation:

“The state of health care is neither better nor worse than before, it is just different.”

These are powerful words. The verbiage is subtle and was an important reminder for me. Rather than spending time wishing for things to be different and as they were, I accept that we are now in a different place. Although what we face is uncomfortable, the pandemic was perhaps a catalyst to accelerate change that will result in amazing practice settings and outstanding patient care. Advances in digital health, artificial intelligence, and other technology is accelerating exponentially. My hope is that we all can accept “different” and the challenges we face with a lens of wonder and excitement. We are where we are, the train is on the tracks and moving whether you want it to or not; let’s enjoy the ride!

The past year as Chair was rewarding and valuable personally and professionally. Every Section Advisory Group (SAG) and the Educational Steering Committee (ESC) provided valuable tools, training, and resources for ASHP members. Please be sure to check out the various SAG and ESC resource centers, ASHP Podcasts, and upcoming Summer Meetings content to find some of our gems. Pro Tip: bookmark these pages to quickly find information in the future! The content is invaluable and applicable to diverse practice settings.

Speaking of ASHP Summer Meetings, I hope to see many of you in Baltimore! I absolutely love this meeting. As a Medication Safety Officer, it is fantastic to have an entire track dedicated to my specialty. There are additional tracks for Community Pharmacy and Ambulatory Care, Influencers and Innovators, and Specialty Pharmacy. I also find enormous value in the networking opportunities this meeting provides. Additionally, this is an exciting time for advocacy. The House of Delegates is a do not miss event that occurs over multiple days. I describe the House as “Pharmacy Congress.” The House is where we make a difference in our profession and shape the future. I have seen a single voice begin a conversation that results in ASHP policy. Anyone can do it and I encourage all members to get involved; it is easier than you think!

In closing, I would like to take a moment to extend sincere appreciation and gratitude to the SICP Executive Committee. Delia Carias (Immediate Past Chair), Allison King (Chair Elect), Indrani Kar (Director at Large), Lucas Shultz (Director at Large), and Kathy Ghomeshi (Director at Large-Elect) are amazing leaders and people. This team is outstanding. Thank you for being so hardworking, and most importantly, hilarious and an absolute blast to be around! Lastly, but certainly not least, our ASHP Director, Rena Sackett, is the glue and the reason we are so successful. Thank you for your leadership, organization, and unwavering support in all the Section’s endeavors. What an outstanding year!

Sarah Stephens, PharmD, CPPS
Chair, Section of Inpatient Care Practitioners