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Membership Terms and Conditions


1.  General ASHP Membership Overview

Your ASHP membership commences on the date which you join ASHP (the “Commencement Date”). Membership rates are established by membership category type in the amounts set forth on the ASHP website. ASHP has two membership cycles: June and December. ASHP offers members two easy membership payment options: (1) Annual Payment and (2) Monthly Payment.

2.  Annual Payment Membership Option

  1. Terms and Dues

    By opting to pay the total amount of your ASHP membership dues in full, your credit/debit card will be processed for the total amount of the membership cycle on the day after your membership enrollment. For payment processing purposes, your credit/debit card information is required to be on file at ASHP and will be securely stored. Your membership will automatically renew upon the expiration of the current membership cycle.

  2. Acknowledgement

    ASHP will provide you with an email acknowledgment of your membership enrollment for your records, specifying (a) the total payment amount, (b) these terms, and (c) the cancellation policy, to the email address provided in your membership profile.

3. ASHP Membership Monthly Payment Option

  1. Terms and Dues

    By opting to pay your ASHP membership dues via recurring monthly installment payments (the “Monthly Payment”), you authorize ASHP to charge the credit card used during enrollment (“card on file”) for the total membership dues price on a monthly basis to be evenly distributed starting the first month of your membership and ending with the expiration month of your membership term (June or December, respectively). Subsequently, renewals will automatically be processed on the first of the month or the first business day thereafter of your new membership cycle (January 1 or July 1, respectively). Unless you cancel your membership or enrollment in the Monthly Payment  in accordance with these terms, payment will continue to recur on that monthly schedule at the then-current applicable rate using the same form of payment used on the Commencement Date.

  2. Acknowledgement

    ASHP will provide you with an email acknowledgment of your enrollment in the Monthly Payment option for your records, specifying (a) the monthly payment schedule, (b) these terms, and (c) the cancellation policy, to the email address provided in your membership profile.

4. Payment and Credit Card Terms

  1. General ASHP Membership Payment and Credit Card Terms

    1. Payment Form. ASHP accepts credit and debit payments by VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. If paying using a credit card that belongs to your institution/company, you represent  that you are an authorized user of such credit card. In the event that you become no longer authorized to use the card, you are responsible for updating and replacing the credit card information on file through your online ASHP membership profile or by contacting ASHP Customer Relations.

    2. Billing. You are responsible for maintaining true, current and accurate billing and payment information in your membership profile to facilitate Monthly Payments. Inaccurate billing and payment information may result in cancellation of your enrollment in the Monthly Payment option and potentially termination of your ASHP membership.

    3. Currency. All payments are made in United States dollars (USD).

    4. Unpaid Balances. Should the card on file be declined or other issues arise with any Monthly Payment, ASHP will notify you by email and/or phone. If the card on file is not updated, your enrollment in the Monthly Payment option will be de-activated, and you will be immediately responsible for payment of the total amount of your outstanding dues. If attempt(s) to collect payment fail and is not rectified, your membership and associated benefits will terminate effective immediately.

    5. Notification and Management. ASHP will send you an email notification about pending automatic renewal charges at least sixty (60) days and again at thirty (30) days prior to your membership renewal. Communications will be sent to the primary email address associated with your ASHP membership account.

      • Account Management.  Enrollment details can be reviewed, modified and managed online via your profile in “My Account” on ASHP’s website, or by contacting ASHP Customer Relations. You are responsible for maintaining current profile information.

  2. Monthly Payment Option Credit Card Terms

By enrolling in the Monthly Payment option, you authorize ASHP to process each Monthly Payment to ASHP from the card on file for your installment payments of ASHP membership dues. The Monthly Payment option authorization will remain in effect until withdrawn by you or terminated by ASHP.

5. Cancellation Policy

  1. General ASHP Membership Cancellation. ASHP membership is not transferable or refundable.

  2. Monthly Payment Option Cancellation. To cancel your enrollment in the Monthly Payment option, you must contact ASHP Customer Relations. Cancellation of your enrollment in the Monthly Payment option will render any remaining outstanding membership dues balance immediately due and payable in full. Failure to pay outstanding membership dues in a timely manner will result in the termination of your ASHP membership.

  3. Contacting ASHP Customer Relations. Please contact ASHP Customer Relations, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday to Friday, by using one of the following contact methods:

    • By e-mail:
    • By phone: Toll Free (866) 279-0681
    • By mail:
      American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. (ASHP)
      Attn: Customer Relations
      4500 East West Highway
      Suite 900
      Bethesda, Maryland 20814
    • Online: Contact Us

6. Non-deductible Lobbying Expense

The non-deductible lobbying expense percentage for 2024 is 17% and is non-deductible because of ASHP’s lobbying activities on behalf of its members.

