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Chinyere Onyirimba

Chinyere Onyirimba


Clinical Pharmacist Specialist

Baylor Scott & White Health

Dallas, TX

Chinyere Onyirimba is a Clinical Pharmacist Specialist at Baylor Scott & White Health in Dallas, Texas. After receiving her PharmD from Notre Dame of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Chinyere completed a PGY1 Community-Based residency at Baylor Health Enterprises and PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership residency at Baylor Scott & White Health. Chinyere is a workgroup lead for the NPF Resident Advancement Advisory Group. 

Professional Interests

My professional interests include Ambulatory Care, Specialty Pharmacy, Pharmacy Technician Education, and Continuing Education. I am passionate about community pharmacy, because it is the backbone of our profession and should be regarded as such. People trust their pharmacist so much for a reason and that relationship is why I believe our profession is so important.

Why did you become involved in ASHP?

I became involved in ASHP because I recognize the impact ASHP has on pharmacists in all walks of our careers. I wanted to be a part of the process and the creation of resources for current and future pharmacists.

What would you tell others if asked how to get involved with ASHP?

The best way to get involved would be to visit the ASHP website and also reach out the those currently serving on Advisory Groups.

What unique characteristic/perspective do you bring to your everyday work or the pharmacy profession?

I don’t think its super unique, but I believe I bring a lot of positivity to my work environments. I truly believe that teamwork makes the dream work and bringing positive energy to your everyday work makes completing projects and tasks more enjoyable.

What do you like to do for fun? What are some of your interests/hobbies outside of pharmacy?

I like to play a variety of sports, but you can always catch me binge watching Netflix Originals. Any time is a good time for karaoke!

What advice would you give to other new practitioners?

Seek mentorship sooner than later and remember that the relationship should be beneficial to both of you.