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Calvin Ice

Calvin J. Ice


Clinical Pharmacy Specialist – Surgery & Anesthesia

Spectrum Health

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Reasons for selecting this career path
Clinical shadowing experiences in an ICU as a pharmacy intern accelerated my interests in both infectious diseases and critical care. My student rotations solidified my desire to pursue PGY1 residency and ultimately complete a PGY2 residency in critical care as I found this challenging and dynamic population offered a blend of my clinical interests in infectious diseases, cardiology, and acute care. Through these clinical experiences, I’ve enjoyed interacting with various multidisciplinary teams and serving as an integral member through designing and advocating for safe and optimal medication therapy for each patient. In my current role, I am rewarded with a blend of clinical, operational, educational, and practice advancement responsibilities that present a variety of challenges to keep my interest peaked.

Professional Interests:

  • Critical Care
  • Infectious Diseases, particularly nosocomial and fungal infections
  • Cardiology
  • Clinical Education
  • Professional Organization Involvement

Interest in the NPF Executive Committee
I have been involved with ASHP in a variety of advisory group roles, and I have enjoyed working with the NPF Resident Advancement Advisory Group since it was first formed. It has been great to learn and grow with this group as it works to develop resources and opportunities specifically for residents and their career transitions as new practitioners. I am excited for the opportunity to participate in the NPF from a broader perspective with the Executive Committee, and I am interested in learning from each of the Advisory Groups as they develop new resources and initiatives throughout the year. Additionally, I am glad to have the opportunity to participate directly in the forum’s continued support of new practitioner growth and investment in its members. I look forward to representing our NPF membership in the ASHP House of Delegates during the 2017-2018 NPF Executive Committee term, and I would encourage our members to make your voice heard by reaching out to me at

Benefits of being involved in ASHP as a New Practitioner
From my experiences with the ASHP NPF, I have observed the Forum’s commitment to providing its members with the tools, resources, and opportunities to begin establishing yourself as a practitioner. These resources have helped me transition into my post-residency career with providing direction on a multitude of topics - clinical questions, research considerations, residency development, practice advancement, and career transitions. In addition to the available resources, there are a variety of networking opportunities to meet, learn from, and collaborate with fellow pharmacists from across the nation.

Fun Fact
If I were to pick a career unrelated to healthcare, I would have become a fiction writer.

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