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Cheryl Wood

Cheryl Wood


PGY1 Resident

Lee Health Gulf Coast Medical Center


Cheryl is a PGY1 pharmacy resident at Lee Health Gulf Coast Medical Center in Fort Myers, Florida. She received her PharmD from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy and is a current member of the New Practitioners Forum Resident Advancement Advisory Group.

Professional Interests
My professional interests include critical care, pharmacy education, and immunomodulators. I am most passionate about pharmacy education and training the next generation of pharmacists because I think it's important to support the future generation, but also because I recognize the impact my past and current mentors have had on my future.

Why did you become involved in ASHP?
Many of my mentors in pharmacy school were involved with ASHP, and I recognized quickly that this organization was a great place for me to push me to practice at the top of my license.

What would you tell others if asked how to get involved with ASHP?
Start reaching out to people in your local state affiliates and chapters and get involved locally. These relationships may very well be the ones that land you an interview or a job!

What unique characteristic/perspective do you bring to your everyday work or the pharmacy profession?
I was a teacher prior to pharmacy school, so I have a huge passion for educating the next generation of pharmacy students, residents, and pharmacists. I love giving back to the pharmacy community.

What do you like to do for fun? What are some of your interests/hobbies outside of pharmacy?
Crafting, reading, mini golf, and going for walks.

What advice would you give to other new practitioners?
Take a little bit from every piece of feedback you get. You don't have to immediately incorporate all of it, but you do want to consider the feedback and learn from it what you can.

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