Ashley Snow
Number of Years at Organization:
4 years
Reasons for Selecting this Career Path:
I began my pharmacy journey as a teenage hospital volunteer and have since enjoyed opportunities to learn and grow in both hospital and retail pharmacy settings. Twenty-two years later I have honed my specialty as a career technician and find great fulfillment in supporting others. I have a passion for technician advocacy and education and it brings me great joy to see others find their niche in our evolving pharmacy workforce. It is a great time to be a pharmacy technician!
Professional Interests:
Leadership, technician advocacy and education, healthcare administration, sterile and nonsterile compounding, medication safety, process improvement.
Interest in the PTF Executive Committee:
Tech Advocacy and Tech Education
Benefits of being involved in ASHP as a Pharmacy Technician?
ASHP provides an abundance of opportunities to the collective pharmacy workforce!
As a pharmacy technician, I utilize ASHP education, communication forums, and follow the information stream of updates on exciting advances in medication and advocacy wins.
ASHP recognizes that well-educated and highly skilled pharmacy technicians have crucial roles and responsibilities within the profession. As an ASHP pharmacy technician I feel that I am able to provide a strong platform that exemplifies elevation of the role for the incoming technician workforce.
Fun Fact about yourself:
I absolutely love reading. Just give me all the books.
Email: Ashley.Snow@hcamidwest.com