Diana Isaacs
Diana Isaacs, PharmD, BCPS, BC-ADM, BCACP, CDCES, FADCES, FCCP is an Endocrinology Clinical Pharmacy Specialist. She serves as the Co-Director of Endocrine Disorders in Pregnancy and the Director of Education and Training in Diabetes Technology at the Cleveland Clinic Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute. Dr. Isaacs earned her bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Doctor of Pharmacy Degree from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) and completed a pharmacy practice residency with an emphasis in ambulatory care at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs.
Dr. Isaacs holds board certifications in pharmacotherapy, ambulatory care, and advanced diabetes management. She served on the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Professional Practice Committee from 2020-2023, the committee that updates the ADA Standards of Care. She is a National Board Member of the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES). She co-hosts a podcast titled “Diabetes Dialogue: Technology, Therapeutics and Real-World Perspectives”. She was the ADCES Diabetes Care and Education Specialist of the Year in 2020 and inducted into the SIUE Hall of Fame in 2022 for her far-reaching contributions in diabetes care.
Dr. Isaacs is currently a Preceptor for APPE students and PGY-2 ambulatory care residents.
Describe the facility where you work:
Cleveland Clinic is a large academic health-system that also includes the main campus and 11 affiliated hospitals and 19 family health centers in Northeast Ohio. There are primary care pharmacists embedded in most of the family health center and main campus outpatient clinics. There are 2 dedicated endocrine pharmacists. Each endocrine pharmacist sees approximately 10 patients per day via in person appointments, virtual visits, classes or shared medical appointments.
Recent Significant Projects:
Post-kidney transplant clinic with an interdisciplinary team. Patients are on high dose steroid tapers and many have pre-existing diabetes or steroid induced diabetes and require insulin. The endocrine PharmD makes insulin adjustments based on the steroid taper and changing glucose levels.
Gestational diabetes shared medical appointment-virtual appointment with approx. Ten patients per week where they see the maternal fetal medicine provider, dietitian and pharmacist for education.
Pre-gestational diabetes clinic. A multidisciplinary clinic with maternal fetal medicine, endocrinologist, dietitian and pharmacist to facilitate optimal care for patients with pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy.
Diabetes technology classes to help people learn about the different technology options and get started on them.
Initial Involvement in ASHP:
Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners, Advisory Group on Clinical Practice Advancement. Previously served on the Educational Steering Committee for eight years, where I had the opportunity to serve as Chair.
Why did you become involved in ASHP?
Discount to attend the best pharmacy meeting, ASHP Midyear, advocacy efforts, great educational programming, many opportunities to get involved.
Advice for Someone New to Specialty Area:
Do what you love and you will never mind working. Don't be afraid to apply for new things and put your name out there for new opportunities. Many things won't work out in the beginning, but eventually it can lead to big, exciting things.
How would you explain the value of ASHP to a friend or colleague?
Tons of benefits in terms of engagement opportunities, expertise on ASHP connect, meeting, continuing education, and advocacy.
What is the value of ASHP for the profession?
Advocate on behalf of health-system pharmacists, which seems to be working well, because job satisfaction is great in this space.

Ambulatory Care Practitioner
Improving patient care and health outcomes in ambulatory care settings

Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners
Professional group for ASHP members working in ambulatory care settings