Gloria Cheng
Dr. Gloria Cheng received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and completed a PGY-1 residency at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Dr. Cheng is double board certified in Pharmacotherapy and Critical Care. She is also recognized as an Advanced Practice Pharmacy by the State Board of Pharmacy in California. She has worked as a clinical specialist, transitions of care pharmacist, ED pharmacist, and clinical coordinator.
Dr. Cheng is currently the Vice President of Clinical Services at CPS Solutions in the Pharmacy Management Division. She also precepts residents in the CPS PGY1-PGY2 Health System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residency Program.
Dr. Cheng currently oversees clinical programs at 13 hospitals, with most located on the West Coast. These hospitals range from health systems to community hospitals, and even a few critical access hospitals. She works with each healthcare organization to improve quality and patient outcomes, while driving bottom line drug savings through clinical initiatives.
Recent Significant Projects:
I have worked on several projects recently that aim to reduce glycemic harm in hospitals. This includes research on current real-world practices surrounding glycemic management, as well as involvement in multiple taskforces within my hospital sites. It has been incredible to see positive outcomes result from interdisciplinary collaboration.
Involvement in ASHP:
I am currently a member of the Multi-Hospital Pharmacy Executives (MHPE) Committee within the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (SPPL). I also serve as a reviewer for the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP).
Why did you become involved in ASHP?
I first joined ASHP as a student simply because at that time, it seemed as if everyone else was joining! I remember being amazed by the plethora of resources and available network of pharmacy professionals across the United States. More than a decade later, I remain involved with ASHP because it continues to provide opportunities for me to learn and network with other pharmacy leaders. I recently attended the ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders and found it to be a wonderful learning opportunity.
Advice for Someone New to Specialty Area:
Never stop learning. I find myself constantly being faced with new clinical advancements, new drugs and new challenges within my everyday work. It takes intentionality and time, but our commitment to life-long learning as pharmacists has to be prioritized. Lean in to your intellectual curiosity and invest time into your own growth.
How would you explain the value of ASHP to a friend or colleague?
If I had to explain ASHP to a friend not familiar with the organization, I would describe it as your “one-stop shop” for everything Pharmacy. ASHP is unique because it is an organization that provides value for pharmacists at every stage of their career; from first-year pharmacy student to multi-hospital executive leader. The resources, tool kits, support for residencies, discussion forums, educational webinars, board certification resources, guidelines and publications are incredible.
What is the value of ASHP for the profession?
ASHP plays a critical role, supporting the profession of pharmacy through legislative advocacy, leadership development, innovation and member support. It also provides a venue for health-system pharmacists to come together and work collaboratively to improve patient outcomes and provide better care.

Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders
A community fostering management skills and effective leadership
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