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8/9/2024 Digital and Telehealth Practitioner

Lisa S. Stump

Her Story Mrs. Stump received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy in Storrs, CT in 1991 and her Master’s degree in Pharmacy Administration from The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH in 1993. She completed an ASHP accredited residency in hospital pharmacy

8/1/2024 Ambulatory Care Practitioner

Amber Jerauld

Amber graduated from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia in 2005. She completed a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at the Denver Veterans Affairs Hospital from 2005-2006 and a PGY2 Primary Care Residency at Kaiser Permanente CO from 2006-2007. She then went on to work for Kaiser Permanen

8/1/2024 Ambulatory Care Practitioner

Jessica Skelley

Jessica W. Skelley is a professor of pharmacy practice at Samford University's McWhorter School of Pharmacy and an ambulatory care pharmacist at St. Vincent's East Family Medicine (SVEFM)/Christ Health Center (CHC) in Birmingham, Alabama, where she holds a dual faculty appointment with the family me

8/1/2024 Pharmacy Informaticist

Julie Pawola

Julie Pawola is a clinical informatics pharmacist at UW Health and a clinical assistant professor at University of Wisconsin (UW) School of Pharmacy. She supports all elements of the medication use process within the electronic medical record (EMR) focusing on the inpatient aspect. She works on vari

8/1/2024 Ambulatory Care Practitioner

Charnae Ross

Charnae Ross serves as the enterprise pharmacy regulatory manager at New York Presbyterian, where she ensures regulatory compliance with USP chapters and The Joint Commission standards across 10 sites. She also precepts APPE students and residents of the postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) and postgraduate y

8/1/2024 Pharmacy Technician

Charlotte V. Hook

Charlotte Hook is the coordinator of pharmacy technician education and development at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston, Massachusetts, where she has been a contributing team member since 2018. With over 18 years of experience across various pharmacy settings, Hook has established herse

8/1/2024 Pharmacy Practice Leadership

Lea S. Eiland

Lea S. Eiland is a Hill Crest Clinical Professor and associate department head of pharmacy practice at Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy. Eiland joined the Auburn faculty in August 2002 and practiced at the Huntsville Hospital Women and Children in the general pediatric inpatient and pe

8/1/2024 Pharmacy Practice Leadership

Della Bahmandar

Della Bahmandar, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCSCP, currently serves as director of pharmacy at Saint Luke’s North Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. This position includes oversight of a community hospital, a rehab/behavioral health campus, and four critical access hospitals. She also leads initiatives arou

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