About Us
The Section Advisory Group on Emergency Medicine is charged with the following: Assess and update current ASHP programs, tools, and resources related to emergency medicine and determine member needs related to this specialty. Encourage and determine the extent of pharmacist integration into health-care teams that provide patient care services in the emergency department and other critical access areas setting. Identify opportunities for departments of pharmacy at hospitals and health-systems to optimize safe and effective use of medications in emergency department and other critical access areas. Identify and develop future programs/resources that enhance the ability of members to meet patient needs. As a group of specialists and scientists, we work to collaborate, educate, and innovate to advance care of patients from all backgrounds.
The Advisory Group's activities include projects that meet the Section's strategic priorities for practice advancement, clinical expertise, pharmacist value, standards of practice, professional needs, innovation and diversity, equity and inclusion. The are led by small group of leaders include the Immediate Past Chair, Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. You can find the most recent roster of volunteers here: Emergency Medicine SAG Roster
Our Leadership
Chair: Hannah Brown, PharmD, BCPS
Hannah Brown is an emergency medicine clinical pharmacist at Wellstar Kennestone Regional Medical Center in Marietta, GA. She graduated from UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and completed her PGY1 and PGY2 Emergency Medicine Residency at Grady Health System in Atlanta, GA.
Vice Chair: Curt Geier, PharmD, BCEMP
Curt Geier, PharmD, BCEMP is an Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center for the San Francisco Department of Public Health and Associate Clinical Professor at UCSF School of Pharmacy. He serves as preceptor for the SFGH PGY1 pharmacy and PGY2 Psychiatry pharmacy residencies, UCSF Emergency Medicine, Critical Care and Pediatrics PGY2 pharmacy residencies, and the UCSF Emergency Medicine physician residency program. Additionally, he is the pharmacotherapy advisor for the San Francisco County Emergency Medical Services agency. His research interests include social determinants of health and substance use disorders as well as cardiac emergencies. Outside of the hospital, he loves to run, surf and snowboard.
Secretary: Jamie Kerestes, PharmD, BCCCP, BCEMP
Jamie Kerestes is an Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Coordinator as well as the Residency Program Directory for the Emergency Medicine PGY2 program at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center. She serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Pharmacy for the Geisinger College of Health Sciences. She has been practicing in Emergency Medicine for fourteen years, and her areas of clinical interest are trauma, addiction medicine, toxicology, and pediatrics.
Immediate Past Chair: Erin Reichert, PharmD, BCPS
Erin Reichert is an Emergency Medicine Clinical Specialist and PGY2 EM Program Director at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Areas of interest include trauma, sepsis, medication safety, and quality.
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