Career Profile
Primary Specialty: Academia; Other Specialties: Inpatient Care, Pain Management, Pharmacotherapy
Education and Advanced Training
Education: BSc (Pharmacy) - University of Connecticut, 1975; ASHP Residency in Hospital Pharmacy, Yale-New Haven Hospital, 1975-1976; Doctor of Pharmacy - University of Utah, 1980. Licensed pharmacist in Connecticut, Utah, and West Virginia.
Type of Patient Population Served
I am currently a hospitalist with the Family Medicine inpatient service. I am also available for consultations involving ambulatory patients at the Clarke K. Sleeth Family Medicine Center.
Roles and Responsibilities
My primary responsibilities involve the provision of pharmaceutical care and pharmacy/medical education. I am a permanent member of the Family Medicine ward team, which manages acute care patients admitted to a university-affiliated tertiary care hospital/Level 3 trauma center. I am also available as a consultant to primary care physicians and mid-level providers seeing patients in an academic Family Medicine Center. I precept fourth year Pharm.D. students on an acute care Family Medicine rotation (four 5-week blocks per year). I also have a variety of didactic teaching/course coordination responsibilities in the School of Pharmacy and the Department of Family Medicine (resident and medical student education). I am also responsible for coordinating faculty development sessions for the Department of Family Medicine. As a researcher/scholar, my primary contributions have been in the areas of diabetes, pain management, and women’s health issues.
How I Got to Where I Am Today
My interest in Family Medicine began early when I was a Pharm.D. student at the University of Utah. I enjoyed managing patients in the ambulatory care setting and I espouse the philosophy of patient care emulated by family physicians. My successes in academia resulted from the pursuit of excellence as a clinician/educator. I was fortunate to have exceptional mentors during my years as a junior faculty member and an infrastructure that allowed me to develop my talents for teaching and clinical practice to their fullest. My research/scholarship successes arose from taking advantage of opportunities that presented themselves in the practice environment (e.g., interesting cases, therapeutic misadventures, etc.). Maintaining visibility, credibility, and competency in the patient-care arena is an ongoing process and requires constant attention and professional development. The same is true if one is to build on previous research and scholarship successes.
Advice for Students Pursuing This Career Path
Decide early on if one is to pursue a tenure or non-tenure track position in academia. Each will come with expectations and responsibilities. Talk to professors and "pick their brains" about academic life and career opportunities. If this is the path you choose, seek mentors and make certain that you have a supportive infrastructure (policies & procedures, administration, support from colleagues, etc.) that can ensure success. Work hard to develop your talents. You can be "jack of all trades" as a clinician, but strive to be a "master of a few". This will go a long way in establishing your reputation. Teach from "who you are" and seek counsel from master teachers. Listen to and learn from educators who have known instructional competency. Attend educational development sessions. Likewise, seek research/scholarship mentors and attend workshops and training sessions devoted to grantsmanship and medical writing.
Professional Organizations Outside Daily Job Responsibilities
I have served on various committees, panels, advisory groups and editorial boards for most of the major pharmacy organizations including ASHP. I am a fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy and the American Pharmaceutical Association. I am a member of many professional and honorary organizations and have received many professional awards and honors. I am an active invited lecturer on the local, state and national levels.
Contact Information
You can reach me by e-mail at cdponte@hsc.wvu.edu

Conferences, meetings, workshops, and recertification courses for pharmacy professionals