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Damaris Jacota


Damaris Jacota

Damaris Jacota


The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy

Graduation Year: 2025

Reasons for selecting pharmacy:

Throughout high school, I completed a pharmacy technician training program that prepared me to sit for certification as soon as I turned 18-year-old. I had always envisioned myself working within the healthcare setting, but quickly found out I did not have the stomach for bodily fluids. Thankfully the pharmacists with whom I worked closely in the inpatient setting where exemplary clinicians who put patient safety first. The clinical pharmacists left an everlasting impression on me and my career path to be involved with an interprofessional team to advocate for personalized medication regimens without having to worry about encountering bodily fluids.

Professional Interests:

  • Health System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership
  • Critical Care
  • Academia

Interest in the PSF Executive Committee:

As president of my local chapter, I wanted to get connected with other leaders and continue to grow UT-SSHP, so I got involved with the Student Society Development Advisory Group. I had the pleasure of working with such passionate student leaders who were from across the country on chapter advancement deliverables for student societies. The following year, I wanted to increase my involvement within PSF and became a workgroup lead within the Residency Preparation Advisory Group. I have gained so many new friendships through PSF and am able to connect with them at national meetings! I am honored to be serving on the ASHP PSF Executive Committee where I hope to apply my past experiences to create meaningful opportunities for student members to engage with ASHP, bolster their leadership skills, create competitive residency applicants, strengthen and diversify student societies, and work together with student leaders to create a sense of community for all students within ASHP.

How being a member of ASHP has assisted in my personal and professional development:

ASHP has provided me with a community of students focused on advancing health-systems pharmacy. The internet resources created by the pharmacy student forum have provided me with a step-by-step guide to becoming a competitive residency applicant. The national meetings held throughout the year have fostered so many new connections and friendships. The professional development tools like the CV review and mentor match program have given me invaluable insight into my pharmacy journey and advice in both professional and personal matters. I cannot wait to continue my ASHP involvement throughout my pharmacy career and continue to grow alongside individuals focused on advancing out profession.

Goals for the year as a PSFEC Member:

  • Empower SSHP chapters to find innovative ways to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
  • Increase engagement and utilization of the ASHP Connect platform in hopes of fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Aid in the creation of professional development tools and promotion of ASHP resources to students.
  • Encourage student leaders to become involved in advocating for health-system pharmacy across the local, state, and national level.

Fun Fact:

I performed at a Houston Rockets half-time show once when I was 12 years old!

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