This podcast episode explores leadership strategies and skills needed to stay relevant in healthcare. The speakers describe how they keep up with the changes in managing healthcare technology, as well as how ASHP has contributed to their ability to keep pace with these changes.
Maritza Lew, PharmD, CPHIMS, PMP is a core clinical systems manager at El Camino Hospital in the Silicon Valley. She has thirty-four years of experience in hospital pharmacy practice working in the areas of pediatrics, geriatrics, critical care, and clinical informatics. She is a member of the Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology working on the SAG for Professional Development.
Seth Hartman, PharmD, MBA is the Executive Director of Pharmacy Informatics at the University of Chicago Medicine and Immediate Past Chair of the Executive Committee of the Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology at ASHP. He has worked in pharmacy for well over a decade and has held multiple positions in Medication Safety and Pharmacy Informatics leadership in his tenure. Seth is passionate about leading change in pharmacy through innovation and new forms of automation.
Julie Pawola, PharmD received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago and completed a pharmacy practice residency at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Her primary practice area is informatics as a member of the UW Health Meds Management team and the coordinator for the PGY-2 informatics residency. She is active in the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin and ASHP, currently serving as the Chair of SOPIT’s Educational Steering Committee.