Erin Fox
Erin R. Fox is Director of Drug Information and Program Director for the PGY2 Drug Information Residency at University of Utah Health Care (UUHC). She is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacotherapy for the University of Utah College of Pharmacy. Dr. Fox has spent her pharmacy career at UUHC. She completed a specialized residency in Drug Information, and worked as a clinical pharmacist at UUHC, as well as Drug Information Specialist and Clinical Coordinator at the Drug Information Service. The University of Utah Drug Information Service provides content for the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center.
Dr. Fox serves as a media resource and as an advocate for changes to improve the ongoing drug shortage situation. She is recognized as an expert in drug shortages and has received the ISMP Cheers Award and ASHP Award of Excellence in recognition for her work on drug shortages. She is active in the Utah Society for Health System-Pharmacists, most recently serving as Immediate Past President. Dr. Fox is an active ASHP member, serving in the past as Director-at-Large and then Chair of the Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists Executive Committee, Network Facilitator for Drug Information and Pharmacoeconomics for the Section, Chair of the Section's Programming Committee, and the Section's representative for the Council on Therapeutics and House of Delegates.

Clinical Specialist and Scientist
Dedicated to patient care, and integrating scientific advances into practice

Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists
Professional group for ASHP members working as clinical specialists and scientists
SCSS on Connect
Member-only section discussions, blogs and announcements on ASHP Connect