October 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Our Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology mission states that we aim to provide a collective voice on best practices on the use of technology for medication use processes. I can’t think of a better group of voices than the largest group of medication-focused informatics professionals to carry out this mission. I want to sincerely welcome you all as we start the year and thank you in advance to our volunteers for your time to support our cause.
A couple of shoutouts to begin:
- Hesham Mourad — outgoing SOPIT chair — what an amazingly productive year he led us through in 2023-2024.
- Ben Anderson just completed his three-year chair term. His focus on making the section structure and functions clearer and more transparent has made it easier than ever to get involved.
- David Agüero — Welcome David back to the Executive Committee as he starts his term as the chair-elect.
- Emmanuel Enwere — Welcome to Emmanuel as he starts his term as director-at-large-elect.
- Jennifer Tryon — our Board Liaison who will help guide us through the year!
Our section advisory groups are off and running with their second meetings this month. Huge kudos to all the chairs and vice chairs who have volunteered to lead these groups and to their workgroup members who are volunteering to work on the various charges. There are a lot of projects surrounding the use of generative AI in healthcare on our plates this year, but also a good mix of ways to solve some of the more traditional problems using innovative solutions such as inventory management, clinical decision support and reporting and analytics.
Speaking of reporting and analytics, special acknowledgement to our Data Analytics SAG, which starts this year for the first time. This group has a very wide range of backgrounds and skillsets that are sure to produce some high-quality content!
I also wanted to remind you that the Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition is quickly approaching, Dec. 8-12 in New Orleans. If you’re able, be sure to attend the largest pharmacy event of the year! Hope to see you there. Don’t miss our SOPIT Social Hour on Sunday, Dec. 8, 6-7 p.m. in the Spirits Lobby Bar of the Hilton New Orleans Riverside!
Thank you all again for supporting our mission. I'm hopeful that you all get as much as I have out of it in the past by meeting people and learning things I never would have had the opportunity to know about without the section. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you have regarding the work of our section.
Jeffrey Chalmers, PharmD
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology