
Identify a dedicated PAI 2030 champion who will serve as an advocate and strategy leader in adopting and implementing PAI 2030 recommendations in your state.

IdentifySelect a dedicated PAI 2030 champion for your state

Build your team

Prepare to launch

  • Identify hospitals, health systems, and/or practice settings to participate in PAI 2030 statewide efforts
  • Prepare communications plan
  • Provide updates on your PAI 2030 progress
    • At Board meetings
    • At state affiliate annual meetings

Follow up with members

  • Ensure members have channels to ask questions and provide feedback
  • Self-Assessment Tool reports: State-level and institution-level

Conduct virtual “check-ins” with ASHP staff to discuss progress of state PAI 2030 initiatives



Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding PAI 2030, please contact us at