ASHP Keeps the Focus on Well-Being in March
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to update you on the range of events taking shape this month to prioritize the well-being of our nation’s healthcare workforce as well as share ASHP’s new and continued efforts to help our members thrive.
ASHP is honored to join the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and other partners on March 18 to celebrate the first-ever Health Workforce Well-Being Day of Awareness. NAM has also invited ASHP to participate in important lead-up activities that precede the awareness day.
On March 11, ASHP staff will participate in a panel discussion called Pioneers of Early Progress and Mobilizing Collective Action, part of the NAM kickoff event celebrating the awareness day. ASHP Board of Directors member Vivian Bradley Johnson will take part in a panel discussion later that afternoon on the intersection of health worker well-being and diversity, equity, and inclusion hosted by NAM. Please register at the NAM website to watch the live briefing and the panel discussion.
Our engagement in these events is due to our longstanding commitment and ongoing contributions to the NAM Action Collaboration on Clinician Well-Being. We joined the Action Collaborative as an original pharmacy sponsor and member in 2017. Most recently, we were selected to serve on the Steering Committee and recognized as a Change Maker Accelerator. Our connection to the Action Collaborative has informed and inspired the programming and resources we have available for members.
ASHP is also attending a multiday March meeting of the Workforce Change Collaborative, a learning community we are connected with through the Health Resources and Services Administration grant funding, which enabled us to launch the ASHP Well-Being Ambassador Program. We’ll join other grantees on Capitol Hill to explain the impact of the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act on health workforce well-being. This legislation funds well-being initiatives and behavioral health resources that are vital to healthcare professionals, and ASHP urges you to ask your legislators to support it.
ASHP staff will also take part in a March 19 panel discussion organized by Johns Hopkins University and ALL IN: Wellbeing First for Healthcare. Speakers will describe how healthcare leaders can support cultural transformation and systemwide changes that improve healthcare worker well-being and patient care.
On March 28, ASHP is hosting a special podcast with members of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to discuss the federal Impact WellbeingTM initiative. This project identifies evidence-informed resources and solutions for hospital and health-system leaders to help them reduce burnout and strengthen professional well-being among their staff. ASHP is proud to support this important effort.
We’re also updating ASHP’s extensive collection of well-being resources and developing new tools for our members and their staff. To see just a small sample of what we offer, explore ASHP’s Well-Being & You Resource Center, our recent podcast on Prioritizing Well-Being Throughout the Residency Application Process, and register for our March 13 webinar, Actionable Items to Cultivate a Sustainable Workforce.
Finally, ASHP encourages you to join your colleagues in June at the Pharmacy Futures 2024 meeting in Portland, Oregon, for engaging sessions to help you create an inclusive work culture, implement psychological safety principles into your organization strategy, and craft a fulfilling career.
Please check out our resources and sign up for this month’s well-being events if you can. And help us continue supporting workforce well-being all year. It’s essential for your staff, your colleagues, and your patients.
Thank you for all you do for your patients and our profession.
Posted on March 8, 2024