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SPE Chair's Message January 2024

Cher Enderby, PharmD, BCPS, BCNSP, FASHP

January 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year 2024!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. The new year is always an exciting time as we reflect on the accomplishments of the previous year and create goals for the coming year.

It was great connecting with many of you in person during the recent ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition in Anaheim, California. Our section held three roundtables during the Midyear — Precepting Learners: Challenges and OpportunitiesInterprofessional Education Resources and Best Practices; and Writing Letters of RecommendationsPitfalls and Opportunities. The roundtable sessions provided a wonderful venue for conversations and exchange of ideas. We appreciate those who attended our Wednesday afternoon session, The Crystal Ball ProjectInsight and Recommendations for Improving the Future of Pharmacy Education and Workforce. In addition, our Section Executive Committee meeting was held where we discussed various topics including section development, advisory groups, and strategic planning.

In 2023, the ASHP Section of Pharmacy Educators (SPE) continued to be productive in publishing resources, programming, webinars, podcasts and more. We look forward to continuing this momentum in 2024 with resources and education on topics such as balancing clinical practice and academic duties, residency recruitment strategies, residency program director resources, and the use of artificial intelligence by preceptors and learners.

SPE is your section and there are many ways to continue active involvement:

  • SPE Distinguished Service Award (DSA):  This will be the first time that our Section will honor a member with the DSA.  Nominations open in February and close on May 1. This is a wonderful opportunity to nominate a colleague for their volunteer efforts in supporting the mission of our section and helping to advance the profession. Learn More and Nominating Instructions 
  • Applications for the Section Executive Committee: The section is now accepting applications for leadership positions on the SPE Executive Committee. The Section Committee on Nominations will slate Executive Committee members. The deadline for submission is Feb. 15. Learn More and Application  
  • Applications for SPE Advisory Groups: Applications for the 2024-2025 SPE Advisory Groups will open mid-February and will close May 1 for one-year appointments. Learn More  
  • National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference Proposals: Educational Session Proposals for the 2024 Virtual NPPC are being accepted until Jan. 15. Learn More 
  • Midyear Clinical Meeting: Educational Session Proposals for the 2024 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting are being accepted until Thursday, Feb. 1. Learn More 

We look forward to continuing supporting you in 2024 and beyond.  Please reach out to if you would like additional information on how you can contribute to our section or if you have any other questions, comments, or suggestions.

Best Regards,

Cher Enderby, PharmD, BCPS, BCNSP, FFSHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Educators

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