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SOPIT Chair Message June 2022

June 2022

Dear Colleagues,

It is truly an honor to be part of this special group, as the section is the largest membership of pharmacy informatics specialists anywhere. A big round of applause to the 2021-22 Executive Committee, Section Advisory Group Chairs, Vice-chairs, and work group leads for everything accomplished. You do outstanding work that has significant impact. SOPIT members have gone over and above expectations to support the profession and advance practice in informatics. Accomplishments are too numerous to mention, and I am grateful for everyone’s efforts.

ASHP Summer meeting was the first time members have been live in years, and it was exciting to see everyone. There was educational programming for the Integrated Informatics Institute. I encourage everyone to come to the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in Las Vegas, held December 4-8, 2022.

This year, ASHP and the SOPIT Executive Committee updated our Strategic Plans, with the addition of new goals related to healthcare technology. Some of the newer planning focus areas include:

  • Diversity, equity, inclusion
  • Healthcare disparities
  • Innovation
  • Community pharmacy practice
  • Telehealth
  • Pharmacogenomics
  • Public health and emergency preparedness
  • Provider status and payment recognition

As an optimist, I am already excited to see where things are going this year. Another great roster of Section Advisory Groups, in-person meetings, updating the ASHP Statement on the Role of the Pharmacist in Clinical Informatics, as well as numerous other statements and guidelines. Not to mention all the webinars, podcasts, and programming our members work hard every year to deliver

I want to recognize the leadership of the section.

Seth Hartman completed his term as Immediate Past-Chair.  We are thankful for his leadership and dedication for three years, and as Director-At-Large for three years prior to that.

Carol White completed her term as Director-at-Large.  We are grateful for her enthusiasm, creative ideas and contributions.

Benjamin Anderson was installed this month as Chair of SOPIT. He has been a long-standing officer, having previously served as Director-at-Large. Ben is a strong leader and will ensure the      continued success of the section and our initiatives.

Jeff Chalmers, who is in his second year as Director-at-Large, will continue providing steady and calm leadership that is very much appreciated.

David Agüero was installed this month for his first year as Director-at-Large and will serve another two years. We are grateful for his dedication, leadership and optimism.

Christene Jolowsky will complete her year as the ASHP Board of Directors liaison for SOPIT in August.  We appreciate her guidance, advice and support.

Amey Hugg, as the section director for the past six years, provides constant leadership and direction for SOPIT. We are grateful for her unwavering support and guidance in all things ASHP.

To determine your new Executive Committee officers, please VOTE in the upcoming election! There is a great slate of candidates nominated to serve ASHP and SOPIT. Voting for the 2022 ASHP election of officers, Board of Directors, and Section leaders will be open from June 30 to July 29, 2022. We welcome new officers, Chair-Elect and Director-at-Large-Elect in August.

In closing,

1) I look forward to working with the incoming SAG leaders and members as Immediate Past chair this year.  Thank you for your extra effort, as well to those who volunteer on other special committees or volunteer for ASHP on the Pharmacy Health Information Technology (PHIT) collaborative.  You are the foundation of the section.
2) Thank you to the outgoing residents and good luck to the incoming residents, you make pharmacy informatics even more great.
3) I am grateful for such a successful year. Stay cool, be safe, and have a nice summer.


Barry M. McClain, Pharm.D., M.S.
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology