Student Society Membership Recruitment Resources

 Access ASHP's SSHP Member Processing and Submission Guide and FAQ for step by step instructions on collecting, processing, and submitting student membership information to ASHP.

Use ASHP’s recruitment package shipped directly to your SSHP each year to aid in your recruitment campaign.

  • This package is mailed each summer to your SSHP Faculty Advisor. It includes print brochures, giveaways, and other helpful tools.
  • If you have not received your SSHP recruitment package by August 1 each year, contact your SSHP Faculty Advisor and

Find ASHP’s online rosters and membership forms to aid in your recruitment process:

Download and customize the ASHP Student Membership PowerPoint presentation for use at your recruitment events.
Visit ASHP's Social Media Toolkit  to find sample posts and guidance in elevating your social media presence during recruitment and throughout the year.

Print and distribute ASHP's Student Membership Infographic or share electronically during your membership drive.

  • Note: In addition to the infographic, a limited number of printed brochures are included in your ASHP recruitment package. To request additional print copies please e-mail
Print out the Student Membership Recruitment Poster for display on your campus.
View and share the Student Membership Online Summary to promote pharmacy student membership in ASHP on your campus.
Print out the Clinical Skills Competition Poster for display on your campus.
  • The ASHP Clinical Skills Competition provides pharmacy students the opportunity to enhance their clinical skills through an interactive, team-based analysis of clinical scenarios for hospital and health-system pharmacists.
Learn more about Student Society Programs and Resources

ASHP is here to support you in your recruitment efforts. Please do not hesitate to contact ASHP directly at for questions, more information, or to request copies of any of the above materials.