Purchase/Cancellation Support
Updates to the ASHP Remittance Process
ASHP as implement a new payment portal to improve security within customer and company accounts. You will now be able to control your payment options directly without providing banking information directly to our Customer Relations team. You may still use the information below for payment options as well. Please check back at a later date when more information will be available.
FAX PAYMENT: 301-657-1251 (Credit Cards or PO only)
PAYMENT VIA PHONE: 866-279-0681 ext. 3 Ensure you have your order number and the billing zip code.
MY ACCOUNT (PAY BALANCE ONLINE): https://store.ashp.org/MyAccount/PayBalances.aspx
In addition to accepting payments by check, we also accept payments by ACH and wire transfer. We highly recommend that you consider sending payments to ASHP by ACH or wire transfer. For ACH or Wire Transfer remittance information, contact custserv@ashp.org
Requesting a W9 or Completed Vendor Form
Please submit your W9 or Vendor Form Request to Customer Relations: custserv@ashp.org. Expect a response within two business days.
Credit Card Payment via Phone
ASHP is a PCI Compliant organization dedicated to protecting your sensitive credit card information. Credit card payments submitted via phone go through our secure automated system for your security. Dial 866-279-0681 (International: 1-301-664-8700) and select option 3 to pay for your existing order. If you do not yet have an existing order, dial 5 to have your purchase request created by a Customer Relations Representative.
Instructions for the automated payment system to assist with your successful payment:
- Reference your order number for this payment (9002XXXXXX)
- Input your credit card information via touch tone keypad to avoid possible interference due to background noise during voice input.
- Be sure to input your credit card information without long pauses. The system may accept these pauses as part of the credit card information and decline your payment.
- Use two digits for the month and four digits for the year when inputting your credit card expiration date.
- Please refrain from interrupting the automated prompts as much as possible to be sure that the system is picking up information that you input in full.
- If issues persist, please refer to the one of the alternative forms of payment above.
Purchasing for Someone Else
ASHP accepts payment on the behalf of others via phone (credit card), fax (credit card or PO), or mail (check). It is not possible to purchase for someone else online without being provided their login information. Creating new login information for the purpose of purchasing for an existing ASHP account holder is not recommended and will result in a duplicate account that they do not have access to utilize. Please be sure that you are confirming account information with the person you are purchasing for. Customer Relations is happy to assist with your purchase via phone: 1-866-279-0681.
Utilizing a Purchase Order (Invoice/Quote Requests)
- ASHP no longer provides invoices without payment or a purchase order for the product/service requested.
- We will need a purchase order for the publication detailing the Bill to/Ship to, Payor, and a PO Reference #.
- Upon paying for the order, you may press 0 to request a receipt from a Customer Relations Representative or you login to your ASHP Personal account to obtain one (Individuals only, not Institutions).
- In order to provide an invoice prior to payment, we will need a purchase order for the publication and or product detailing the Bill to/Ship to, Payor, and a PO Reference #.
- All purchase orders can be, emailed or faxed in. They can be sent to our customer service at 301-657-1251.
Locating Your Purchase Receipt
For itemized receipts containing credit card information, these are printable directly from the individual’s ASHP Account by clicking:
- “My Account”
- “Purchase History”
- Update the “Date Range” to “All”
- Select the Corresponding Order Number.
- It is vital that the “Date Range” option be updated to “All” in order to view receipts.
- Online receipts will detail on them payment information for the orders, including individual monthly payment records.
Membership Discounts
Why is my Membership Rate not showing during my checkout?
You’re almost there! Continue through the checkout process to the final page where discounts are applied.
Can my Membership be utilized by my colleague for a product/course?
Memberships cannot be shared between individuals. Your Institution can reference your Membership ID to receive discounts on purchases. Each individual must purchase their own Membership to utilize benefits.
ASHP Promotions
ASHP periodically offers promotional discounts for Products and Services. Please be sure that the promotion code that you are attempting to use was supplied directly to you from ASHP via email or the ASHP Store. All promotions have an expiration date reflected on the promotional flyer. All promotions are subject only to eligible products listed within the promotion itself. Promotions cannot be retroactively applied to purchases unless the purchase was made during the promotion timeframe.