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SSHP Membership Drives

Are you in charge of your SSHP membership drive? Look no further — here are the tips you need to recruit student members! Note that additional resources can be found at ASHP's Membership Resources for Student Societies page. 

Sell the Benefits of Membership

Remember, to qualify for annual ASHP-SSHP Recognition, you must hold at least one membership drive to recruit for your SSHP, ASHP and your state affiliate health-system pharmacy organization.

In order to better help your members understand ASHP's benefits, familiarize yourself with all the benefits available to students.

Student Recruitment Tips

  1. Become Familiar with All the Benefits of ASHP Student Membership
    ASHP Student membership offers career resources, networking opportunities, residency information, and access to specialized learning and idea exchanges not available anywhere else. You can also direct them to the ASHP Student Forum to find out more about benefits and leadership opportunities.

  2. Share Your ASHP Experience
    One of the best ways to recruit a friend/colleague is by telling them a story about one of the ways ASHP membership has helped enhance your career. Whether it was an article you read recently in AJHP, an idea you picked up from a Section Discussion post, or a new job you found through CareerPharm’s Personnel Placement Service (PPS)…share your ASHP experience.

  3. Promote the Experience of ASHP’s Midyear Clinical Meeting
    If you have friends you think might be interested in joining you to attend ASHP’s Midyear Meeting, then you have the perfect opportunity to point out the valuable benefits only ASHP membership can provide. The Midyear Clinical Meeting is a great opportunity to introduce a new member to the ASHP community.

  4. Follow Up to Make Sure the Application Has Been Sent
    There are many great ASHP events happening this year so make sure your friends/colleagues get their applications in. Don't let them miss out on these opportunities!

  5. Send a Thank You and Let Them Know You Appreciate Their Support
    A quick note or an e-mail is always a great way to say “Thanks.”

Remember that ASHP student membership is separate from the SSHP or state affiliate membership. Invite a representative from your state organization or an ASHP staff or volunteer member to join you for your membership drive and speak about the benefits of membership! Find the contact information for your state affiliate. To request a campus visit in-person or online with an ASHP staff member contact

Explain Membership Application Options

ASHP offers several easy ways for students to join—individually by phone, online, via mail, or through your SSHP drive. Membership options include monthly payments, annual, or multi-year membership.

No matter how you collect membership registrations, student membership information must be submitted to ASHP using the pre-formatted SSHP Roster Template at the online submission link. Please note: exceptions to this application system may be made for student societies collecting information for an entire state or multiple schools, for special circumstances please contact

How to Join

Join or Renew Online

Phone: Call Customer Relations at 1-866-279-0681, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET. International: 1-301-664-8700.

Mail: Fill out our Student Membership Application [PDF], and it mail to:

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
PO Box 38069
Baltimore, MD 21297-8069

Please make your check or money order payable to ASHP to the address “American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)”. Checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. funds.