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NPF Executive Committee Message February 2024

Chelsea Roberts, PharmD, MS, MBA, BCSCP, BCPS

February 2024

Hello, New Practitioners!

I hope you had a great holiday season and have been off to a great start in 2024! A new year can bring excitement around establishing new habits or creating exciting plans for the year.

February is a very busy month for New Practitioners, so please be sure to set time aside for yourself and to focus on something that brings you joy. The Wellbeing and Resilience Resource webpage provides resources and tools to learn strategies for preventing burnout and establishing healthy habits. I encourage you to commit to one new self-care practice this year.

You might feel that you have moved from the “hustle and bustle” of the holidays to traveling or doing virtual interviews for residency or your next job. You might also be a new practitioner that is thinking about that next step in your career or just looking for ways to continue to grow your knowledge in a new way this year. As you continue to think about these next steps, be sure to check out the Career Transitions Resource Center for some resources to assist with your specific career transition needs.

Match day is quickly approaching. If you are pursuing residency, I would recommend visiting the ASHP Match Day Resources page for post-match day resources. You will find resources for residency transition, the Phase II match, and next steps after Match day.

If you are interested in getting more involved within ASHP, don’t forget to apply to serve on one of the many NPF Advisory Groups by May 1. Being part of a NPF Advisory Group has personally brought me professional fulfillment, many new friends, and professional growth. I have greatly enjoyed getting to create new resources that can assist new practitioners to reach their overall goals. Advisory Group applications will open in mid-February.

The New Practitioner Forum Executive Committee would love to connect with you. You can connect with us on our NPF Connect Community, follow us on our Twitter/X account @ASHP_NPF, or reach out at We would love to hear about your ideas for resources that will continue to help you grow as a new practitioner. We wish you a fantastic new year.


Chelsea Roberts, PharmD, MS, MBA, BCSCP, BCPS
Member, ASHP New Practitioners Forum Executive Committee
Clinic and Infusion Supervisor, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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