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Chair Message January 2020

January 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year!  It is hard to believe that it is already 2020.  I hope that each of you found the time to connect with family and friends during the holiday season and that you found your resilience after our very busy MCM 2019. The Executive Committee started the conference with a full day meeting to discuss the direction for the Section and progress being made on some key initiatives launched in the fall.  We had a very robust discussion that resulted in several items to work on in the next few months as well as ideas for future projects. 

Topics discussed included:

  1. Process to update the ASHP Statement on Role of the Pharmacy Executive
  2. Leadership resources to support members in our growing pharmacy enterprises and how we work with our internal and external partners across all business units.
  3. The impact of implementing new technologies and AI on the pharmacy workforce.
  4. The growing influence of white-bagging on our ability to provide continuity of care and manage our revenue cycle.
  5. Progress on the resources and education being developed by the Section’s advisory groups and committees.
  6. Planning for the 2020 Conference for Pharmacy Leaders that will be held October 18th – 20th in Chicago.

More to come on this in my March message.  The Executive Team also conducted meetings at MCM 2019 with our members and key partners.  We held a discussion with a team of Pharmacy Leaders from Australia to share practices/opportunities, a meeting with past section leaders to ensure that we are addressing the needs of the membership, and an update with our HSPAL residents who are actively involved in the Section.  There was a tremendous amount of energy in our discussion with the HSPAL’s who have taken on several projects for the section.  These include:

  1. Organizing a webinar with past John W. Webb Award Winners.
  2. Developing an electronic library of articles to be used for development of current and future HSPAL residents.
  3. Gathering case studies to highlight Opioid Stewardship.

We are extremely thankful for their hard work and contributions while keeping up with all of their responsibilities as residents.  We look forward to their continued participation and future leadership.

We also had great Section member support and leadership at the MCM 2019 where there were outstanding programs on critical management topics. Additionally, the Section hosted five networking sessions covering pharmacist impact on value based measures, CBD products and health system approaches, the value of pharmacy in the ambulatory care area, high cost medications, and caregiver engagement and conflict management.  All were well attended and generated robust discussions.  I would like to personally thank all of our members who contributed their time and talents to make our networking sessions successful.

During MCM 2019, the Section also recognized one of our members with a Distinguished Service Award.  This year’s recipient was James Hoffman. James is a tireless volunteer leader for ASHP and the Section. He has served the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders in a variety of capacities, including Vice Chair and Chair of the Section Advisory Group on Quality and Compliance, and Director at Large and Chair of the Section Executive Committee. He has also served ASHP through service on the Council on Pharmacy Practice, the FASHP Recognition Committee, and in the House of Delegates. He continues to develop resources to support pharmacy practice leaders through contributions to the ASHP Foundation Pharmacy Forecast and as an author on the annual prescription drug expenditure forecast published in AJHP. Additionally, he has supported ASHP’s efforts in developing education and resources in medication safety and pharmacogenomics.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to congratulate James once again on receiving this award and thank him for all of his contributions to the profession. 

ASHP’s next opportunity for you to meet up with colleagues and to promote your development is at the ASHP Summer Meetings June 6-10 in Seattle, WA.  More information will be sent as it comes available.

Thanks so much for all you do for the Section and in supporting our patients and each other.

Best regards,

Sam Calabrese, B.S.Pharm., M.B.A., FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2019-2020)