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Chair Message June 2023

June 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Wow. What a year! The past 12 months have been the epitome of “the only constant is change.” Issues such as manufacturer changes to the 340B Program, continued drug shortages, and financial challenges within health systems have kept our Section members readily adapting. These challenges are layered on Section members’ interests to continually advance the pharmacy enterprise and patient care in an increasingly dynamic health care environment.

Our Section vision statement reads, All pharmacy leaders are empowered to advance practice and patient care. Each of you continue to make that vision a reality. I am genuinely grateful for all the members, Chairs, and Vice Chairs of the Section’s Advisory Groups, Multi-Hospital Pharmacy Executives Committee, and Educational Steering Committee. To see who these great volunteers are please visit the section’s website.  Thank you for a wonderful year!

Section members continued to advocate and produce impactful content this year, including:

In my previous Chair’s messages, I highlighted the leadership pipeline and eliminating sexual harassment and assault within pharmacy. Our Executive Committee continues to work on these areas and how the Section can be best positioned to solve them. These areas will remain a priority for the Section. 

Lastly, I would like to recognize and congratulate Debbie Simonson for her selection as the 2023 John W. Webb Lecture Awardee!  Debbie has a rich legacy of service to the Section and our profession. We hope to see you in Chicago when Dr. Simonson receives the award and delivers a lecture during the ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders.

Serving as Chair of the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders has been my great honor and privilege.  As I look to the future, the Section is in great hands under the leadership of Chair-Elect Lindsey Kelley, who will take over the helm this summer. I also want to recognize the great work of all our Executive Committee members, including Immediate Past Chair Jeff Little, and Directors-at-Large Mark Sullivan, Tony Scott, and Bill Kernan. Special thanks to our board liaison Kim Benner and Section Director David Chen who listens to all our ideas and truly does the work of many by putting those ideas into action to keep the Section moving forward.

In closing, thank you for all the work you are doing to support the Section, our profession, and our patients. In the words of ASHP’s Past President, Dr. Paul Walker, we are better together!

With gratitude,

Lindsey B. Amerine, PharmD, MS, BCPS, FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2022-2023)