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Chair Message November 2020

November 2020

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this message finds you all safe. With our teams, organizations, and society facing continued stressors, I hope everyone is able to secure some time to rest and re-center while continuing to lead and manage our pharmacy enterprises. We should all be extremely proud of how our profession continues to step up to meet the demands in front of us while remaining focused on providing evidenced based care for our patients. The daily news and the emerging COVID-19 therapies keep us working to ensure that our nation is cared for and that our organizations’ are able to maintain fiscal stability. I am confident our pharmacy teams will continue to drive a stronger health care model for all!

We hope to see many of you at ASHP’s Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition. I know I speak for all ASHP members that the decision made by ASHP concerning registration for the Midyear is very much appreciated as it made it easier for all of us to ensure we experience the great education and networking, and ensure that our future residents and programs have the ability to connect and prepare for future matching. For those that are attending please make sure you add to your planning the Section’s virtual roundtable networking opportunities that include:

Maintaining and Advancing Pharmacy Services Post-COVID
SAG on Value, Quality, and Compliance
Sun, 12/06 - 1:00 PM ET

Discussion topics:

  • Impact on maintaining regulatory and medication safety compliance 
  • Re-examining outcomes, metrics and analytics for pandemics

Lead: Rodney Cox, R.Ph.,M.S.; Director of Pharmacy Services; Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center

Leading the Frontline Through Crisis and Recovery 
SAG on Frontline Leaders
Mon, 12/07 - 10:00 AM ET

Discussion topics:

  • Crisis management for leaders
  • How to manage teams virtually

Lead: Derek L. Grimm, Pharm.D.,BCPS; Enterprise Director,Medication Management; WVU Medicine

Evaluating and Actions to Respond to Health Care Disruptions
SAG on Strategy and Industry Disruptors
Tue, 12/08- 1:00 PM ET

Discussion topics:

  • Innovative practices that will continue after COVID-19
  • Leveraging telehealth for continuity of care

Lead: Anthony Boyd, Pharm.D.; Manager Inpatient Pharmacy; Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland Clinic

Managing the Unexpected as a New Manager
SAG on New and Emerging Leaders
Wed, 12/09 - 1:00 PM ET

Discussion topics:

  • Leading through natural, trauma, and pandemic disasters
  • Supporting team members with Employee Assistance Programs and other crisis

Lead: Thomas S. Achey, PharmD, MS, BCPS; Manager, Inpatient Pharmacy; Princeton Baptist Medical Center

White bagging and Managing Continuity of Care
SAG on Business Development and System Integration
Thu, 12/10 - 1:00 PM ET

Discussion topics:

  • Impact of white-bagging on practice and patients
  • Trends in white-bagging of drugs affecting hospitals and health systems

Lead: Chelsea Magee; PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, 340B ACE; Lead Pharmacist Auditor; Turnkey Pharmacy Solutions

Additionally, last month ASHP held its 25th Conference for Pharmacy Leaders, which had excellent programming addressing leadership, PBM and payer management, strategic planning, and much more. One of the keynotes was exceptional and spoke to “Leading a 5-Star Service Team. It was a timely motivational keynote to really recharge the leadership spirit and addressed ways to build a team of highly engaged employees, the power of expectations, strategies to become a leader whom others want to follow, and examples of customizing motivation and recognition. This virtual Conference was made possible through the excellent work of more than 30 Section leaders and two Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology leaders serving as faculty for the pre-Conference and Conference programming. In addition, there were over 40 volunteers that included past and current ASHP Board and Section Executive Committee members, past John W. Webb Awardees, HSPAL residents, and Section members making the networking sessions an total meeting experience. It was a memorable conference for all, and we are already looking ahead to 2021 planning.

As I bring this message to a close, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge our awesome Section volunteers and the leaders for these advisory groups and committees. They all continue to meet and develop resources for the profession in what we know are extremely busy times. The power of these groups to convene and create has never been so important to all of us!


Philip Brummond, Pharm.D., M.S., FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2020-2021)