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Chair Message February 2022

February 2022

Dear Colleagues,

I have to be honest with you, it was difficult to find the words to use as an introduction. We all realize how stressful our health care environment continues to be, with some aspects becoming even more demanding on resources, our teams, and ourselves. In the face of all of this, I find myself continually amazed and inspired by our pharmacy teams, our healthcare colleagues, and our communities, as we navigate the challenges we are living through. On behalf of the Section, know that our peers remain foremost in our thoughts. We hope each of you has been able to find moments of rest and reflection during these demanding times.

Though times have been challenging, we still have a lot to celebrate. It is always my honor to be able to provide an update on events and acknowledgements recognizing the work of our dedicated Section volunteers. One of the greatest strengths of our profession is the persistent and generous sharing of ideas and time to support one another. The willingness to share ideas and best practices really furthers our pursuit of helping our patients achieve optimal medication-related outcomes.


There are two celebrations I would like to share. First, I would like to recognize Kevin Colgan as the 2021 John W. Webb Lecture Awardee. Kevin’s award was highlighted during the 2021 Conference for Pharmacy Leaders and at Northeastern University, and he provided great insights with his lecture titled “Looking Two Steps Ahead”.  The second is to share that Jennifer Tryon was recognized for her selection as the Section’s Distinguished Service Award during the 2021 MCM. Congratulations!!!

Strategic Directions

There have been a number of initiatives my predecessors and I have shared, and this month I would like to focus on four of these:

  • Technician workforce shortages: This crisis has been looming and it seemed to hit a crescendo this past fall. ASHP has moved quickly to support members and collect information. The Section has held multiple virtual roundtables for members to share ideas and tactics. The SPPL and Pharmacy Technician Forum Executive Committees have been collaborating, and many of you contributed to the national survey conducted by ASHP for administrators. This data will be used to redefine and refine the necessary advocacy needs for our technician workforce. Be on the lookout for upcoming podcasts and more virtual roundtables.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): The Section is fully committed to supporting the recommendations of the ASHP Task Force. At the 2021 Conference for Pharmacy Leaders, there were multiple programs for pharmacy leaders to help us lead our teams and establish meaningful and lasting change. Section leaders have participated in the ASHP DEI webinar series and are developing resources and tools. We have also added expectations based on the Task Force recommendations into the Section’s strategic plan to guide our advisory groups, committees, and other work of the Section.

  • Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residents’ Collaborative (PALRC):  The Section has traditionally been a primary home for health system pharmacy administration and leadership (HSPAL) residents and program leaders. The Section has always sought to provide opportunities for the HSPAL community and has benefited greatly from the work these driven residents have provided the profession through volunteering. This past October, ASHP made a significant decision to add additional resources and opportunities for HSPAL residents through the creation of PALRC.  A driven leadership committee was established who immediately developed opportunities for students interested in HSPAL residencies, worked on connectivity among program leaders and residents, and looked to expand networking among HSPAL residents. We are excited for the future of PALRC and the integration with Section’s efforts!

  • White Bagging Advocacy: The efforts across the country over the last 10 months have been tremendous!  This has been a great example of how advocacy really can make a difference. The concerted efforts among pharmacy leaders, ASHP state affiliate leaders, and interprofessional partners have driven significant successes in a relatively short period of time. Collectively we have seen four states with enacted legislation, five states with active proposed legislation, and three states with Board of Pharmacy reviewing members’ call to action.  We need to continue to advocate for our patients and the removal of this risk prone payer mandated practice! If you have not seen ASHP resources and this infographic, please take some time to review and share with your hospital leadership to push for change.

Lastly, I cannot say enough how incredible our members are! In the next Chair’s Message I will share more outcomes from our advisory groups and committees. So much fantastic work has been done this year, which is truly amazing given the state of healthcare. Additionally, at the Executive Committee level we will be evaluating the myriad challenges to our organizations. We will also look for opportunities to leverage the strength of integrated health systems on topics including centralized shared services, hospital at home, and virtual health.

In closing, I want to thank each and every one of you for all of the work you are doing to support our patients and our profession. I hope each of you can find something that brings you peace and joy during these stressful times. Please do not hesitate to reach out to if there is anything we can do for you.

Thank you,

Jeff Little, Pharm.D., M.P.H., BCPS, FACHE, FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2021-2022)
Director of Pharmacy, Saint Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri