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Chair Message August 2023

August 2023

Dear Colleagues,

It is my privilege and pleasure to serve as Chair of the Section for 2023-2024. Reflecting on the past year, let us acknowledge the immense challenges we have faced and the unwavering dedication displayed by members of our Section. In a time of unprecedented demands, many have turned to our profession to find solutions to the pressing needs of our communities and through the tireless efforts and substantial expertise of our Section, we have been instrumental in addressing the evolving landscape of pharmacy practice.

The dedication and support of our Section is foundational to our progress, keeping us moving forward even in the face of an ever-shifting healthcare landscape. It is because of these collective efforts so much has been accomplished over the past year. Examples include:

The profession of pharmacy is inherently one of benevolence and inclusion. Our prioritization of patient care, safety, well-being, and promotion of community health and welfare extend beyond foundational expertise to reflect a genuine desire to improve the lives of others and contribute positively to society.

Effective leaders understand culture plays a significant role in shaping the overall performance, employee engagement, and the organization's ability to adapt to change. It is the responsibility of leaders to create and maintain a culture that represents the shared values and attitudes of their team. As the primary architects of an organization's culture they must consistently demonstrate their commitment to the values and behaviors they wish to instill, and they must actively work to cultivate a positive and healthy cultural environment. By doing so, they create a thriving and cohesive organization that attracts and retains top talent, promotes innovation, and achieves its objectives.

Looking ahead, we must re-center our focus and collective action on ensuring every patient, employee, and member feels accepted, valued, and empowered, regardless of their role, background, identity, or experiences. Creating a profession and organization anchored in belonging is critical to our profession’s future and demands our attention. It is the mission of the Section to provide a professional community to develop and support all leaders, improve safety and quality, advocate for practice advancement, and optimize business practices to meet the demands of the changing health care landscape. Further, it is the Vision of the Section that ‘All pharmacy leaders are empowered to advance practice and patient care’ and of ASHP that medication use will be optimal, safe, and effective for all people all of the time.

At its core, belonging addresses the psychological and emotional aspects of being part of a community or organization. When individuals feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to engage actively, contribute their unique perspectives, and collaborate effectively. It recognizes that simply having people from different backgrounds is not enough. True inclusivity requires cultivating an environment that actively nurtures and celebrates the diversity of our profession, creating opportunities for everyone to participate and thrive. Additionally, belonging improves equity as creation of sense of belonging often requires addressing systemic barriers and promoting fair treatment for all, regardless of their practice area or identity.

To foster belonging, leaders, organizations, and communities must commit to fostering a culture of belonging through open communication, respect, and collaboration. ASHP is an active partner in our profession, pursuing advocacy and care strategies in collaboration with other organizations. We must continue to amplify the voices of others in our profession to move all of us forward.

Leading with a foundation of belonging and collaboration is important work. As I enter my tenure as Chair, the work and goals of the Section will be informed by these concepts. Understanding the immense value of the contributions of others, please share your thoughts, comments, and perspectives as we continue to build the Section together.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all who served on our Section Advisory Groups, Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs, and members. Your time and voices have shaped the direction and success of the Section. Additionally, I extend my heartfelt thanks to our previous executive committee for exceptional service. Thank you, Jeff Little (outgoing Past Chair) and Mark Sullivan (outgoing Director at Large) for your leadership and thoughtful contributions over the past several years. I’d like to recognize the ongoing contributions of Lindsey Amerine (Immediate Past Chair), Tony Scott (Director-at-Large), and Bill Kernan (Director-at-Large). Lastly, I would like to offer special acknowledgment to David Chen, Assistant Vice President for Pharmacy Leadership and Planning, for his unwavering commitment to our Section and advancing the profession.

Lastly, I would also like to bring your attention to the upcoming 2023 ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders in Chicago, IL where we will have the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions, learn from one another's experiences, and strengthen our bonds as a community. This event also hosts a presentation by the 2023 John W. Webb Lecture Awardee, Deborah Hunt Simonson, PharmD. Registration is currently open and I encourage you to join us for this event.

In closing, let us remember that it is through the shared power of perspectives we can overcome the challenges that come our way. Together, we have the power to shape the future of pharmacy and improve the lives of countless patients. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our profession and for your invaluable contributions to our section.

Yours in pharmacy,

Lindsey R. Kelley, PharmD, MS, FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2023-2024)