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Chair Message May 2020

May 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The last three months have certainly changed the world and the future of the health care landscape forever. Critical patient care combined with the organizational rapid responses to leading through the patient surges for those in hot spots have been unprecedented. The work of health system pharmacy, all of our team members, affiliates, and ASHP has been extraordinary!

The toolsConnect Community, and advocacy ASHP has provided have served as important resources for all of us as we have navigated this pandemic. It is in these times of crisis I know we truly appreciate the value of ASHP and Section members as we developed plans whether it be the tremendous stressors realized in the hot spots or in the many hours spent preparing our organizations as the pandemic moved its way across the United States and the world.   As pharmacy leaders, we all needed to support our teams in digging deep into our resilience as long hours, altered work patterns, and sadly, the stress of the critical nature of COVID-19 inflicted patients.

Unfortunately, our work as pharmacy leaders is not complete as we all work through the business recovery following the impact of and preparation for COVID-19. The Section is very focused on these many issues and will continue to develop resources and education on these challenges in front of us all. It won’t be an easy road but I am confident we will all persevere and re-build, as well as leverage the new opportunities that will avail themselves with virtual and telehealth.

It has been an honor to be in this great profession and observe the demonstrated leadership, compassion, and resilience in unprecedented times for our country and their patients.

On that note, this is my last Chair’s message before I move into the Immediate Past Chair for the Section.  Although, the past few months have required a re-direction of effort to address the pandemic, we have outstanding volunteers that have been working with their advisory groups and committees to support the mission of the Section. This past year we have created successful webinars, podcasts, and framework for the 2020 Conference for Pharmacy Leaders. This in addition to providing advice and content for ASHP’s COVID-19 response including the ASHP COVID-19 “Pulse” Connect, support of ASHP’s state and federal advocacy, and information to aide in surge response

I sincerely appreciate all of our Section’s volunteers and the time, dedication, and work provided on behalf of our membership!

I would like to offer congratulations to our 2020 Awardee of the John W. Webb award recipient Tom Woller.  Tom’s contributions to the profession and the organization has been outstanding and this award is very well deserved.  We all look forward to the award presentation and lecture as part of the virtual ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders on October 19-20, 2020. Additionally, the steeped tradition of the Awardee’s complete lecture at Northeastern University School of Pharmacy as Visiting Professor in Hospital Pharmacy and associated activities are planned for November 2, 2020.

Serving as Chair of the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders has been a great honor.  As I look to the future, the Section is in excellent hands under the leadership of incoming Chair Phil Brummond. Our work is a team effort, and I want to recognize the contributions of all Executive Committee members, including Immediate Past Chair Kristi Gullickson, and Directors-at-Large Bob Granko, Lindsey Amerine, and Lindsey Kelley.   Finally special thanks to our board liaison Stephen Eckel.   It has been a rewarding experience for me working with this outstanding team and I would like to thank all of our members for trusting me with this position.


Sam Calabrese, B.S.Pharm., M.B.A., FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2019-2020)