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SPPL Chair Message August 2024

Lindsey R. Kelley, PharmD, MS, FASHP

August 2024

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The past year has been marked by ongoing challenges and encouraging advances. Concepts like value-based care, population health management, digital health, innovation, and technology integration are ever-present in our organizations, conversations with colleagues, and our profession. These compelling topics are held in balance, in tension, with the realities we all face as we lead healthcare forward – financial pressures, regulatory changes, and a workforce deserving and demanding of partnership in achieving sustainable well-being.

As I reflect on my tenure as Chair of the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders, I continue to be filled with immense gratitude and pride for all that we have accomplished together. The Section’s collective efforts have resulted in numerous achievements that highlight the dedication and hard work of our members to improve patient care:

  • Volunteerism: Each year I continue to be inspired and appreciative of all ASHP’s volunteers and especially the 150-plus Section volunteers and each groups’ chair and vice chair. The advice, guidance, and resources they provide through education, webinars, podcasts, and advocacy strategies is essential to supporting our profession. 
  • Advocacy and Policy Impact: We have made substantial progress in advocating for critical issues such as pharmacy technician final verification, white bagging, 340B program integrity, and site neutrality. Our voices have been heard at various levels, driving positive change for our profession.
  • Educational Excellence: Our presence and contributions at MCM2023, the 2023 Conference for Pharmacy Leaders, and the inaugural Pharmacy Futures Meeting and Summit on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pharmacy Practice showcased our commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Through sessions and networking opportunities we provided valuable insights and strengthened our community bonds.
  • Leadership and Development: Our ongoing investment in initiatives like the Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residents’ Collaborative (PALRC) and the Section’s annual Managers' Boot Camp continues to create platforms and opportunities for emerging leaders to thrive. We have also tackled important topics such as sexual harassment and workforce evolution through dedicated manuscripts, sessions, and podcasts.

On leadership, I want to recognize the outstanding contributions of our members. Congratulations to John S. Clark, recipient of the 2024 John W. Webb Lecture Award. This award recognizes those who have fostered excellence in pharmacy administration. Clark will receive the award and deliver his lecture during the ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders in October. I look forward to seeing you there!

Over the past year, I have emphasized the importance of cultivating a sense of belonging. In leaning into this concept, we strengthen the bonds that unite us and create environments where members feel valued and supported to share their own perspectives, ideas, and talents. Our Section has been a testament to this principle, fostering a culture of inclusivity, support, and collaboration. Beyond the work of our Section and our organizations, let us extend our efforts to create a sense of belonging across the entire pharmacy profession. Shared ideas and best practices can elevate standards of care for all involved. In collaboration with others, let us build a future where our diversity becomes our greatest asset in advancing patient care and shaping the future of pharmacy.

Finally, serving as your Chair has been an incredible honor and privilege. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the Executive Committee; outgoing Past-Chair, Lindsey Amerine, Chair-elect, Kat Miller, Directors-At-Large, Anthony Scott and Bill Kernan, and Director-At-Large elect, Amanda Hansen. I’d also like to take a moment to thank our Board Liaison, Melanie Dodd and our remarkable ASHP Staff, David Chen ASHP Assistant Vice President for Pharmacy Leadership and Planning and Tyffani T. Wingfield, Director for the ASHP Leadership Center, for their unwavering support and hard work. With our dedicated volunteers, we have made significant strides in advancing pharmacy practice and patient care.

I look forward to the leadership and vision of our incoming Chair, Kat Miller and I am confident that the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders will continue to thrive and innovate under her leadership.

In closing, I urge you to continue sharing your ideas, challenges, and successes through ASHP’s multi-year national public awareness campaign spotlighting the vital patient care roles that all of you play as hospital and health-system pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and healthcare contributors. Our strength lies in our collective efforts, and by working together, we can continue to drive positive change and innovation in our profession.

Thank you for the trust and support you have shown me. I look forward to seeing the continued growth and success of our Section and profession.

Yours in pharmacy,

Lindsey R. Kelley, PharmD, MS, FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2023-2024)
Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer
University of Michigan Health, Michigan Medicine

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