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Chair Message August 2020

August 2020

Dear Colleagues,

I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as the Chair of the Section for 2020-2021. This year we are all facing the challenge of navigating a world that looks vastly different than the one we once knew. With these challenges that lie in front of us, comes opportunity for our profession. The members of this Section will be looked, as leaders in our profession, to redefine the role of pharmacy within the health-system. The Section will engage with our members on new initiatives, educational opportunities, and the development of tools and resources as we collaboratively navigate new waters. 

I would like to recognize several people who have been critical to the Section’s recent success, our outgoing leadership team. Sam Calabrese (Immediate Past Chair), Kristi Gullickson (Outgoing Past Chair) and Bob Granko (Outgoing Director at Large) have helped elevate the Section’s programming and strategy, especially as we have been working through the COVID Pandemic.  I would also like to recognize our Directors-at-Large Lindsey Amerine and Lindsey Kelley for their important contributions and work this past year.  We are grateful for their dedication and outstanding contributions to the Executive Committee and the Section. We look forward to adding two new Executive Committee members (Director at Large Elect and Chair Elect of the Section) in August once the elections have been finalized. 

Continuing Leadership in Managing COVID-19

Over the course of the last several months, our profession has been faced with significant pressures to adapt and deliver care differently than ever before. Throughout the course of the pandemic, our Section members along with all ASHP members have stood steadfast in caring for our patients and supporting our team members.  The outcomes have been tremendous with COVID-19 such as the ASHP Business Recovery Tool KitPatient Surge Management During a Pandemic Tool KitAJHP publications

The 2020-2021 Section Advisory Groups and Committees will develop education, resources, and tools for leaders across our profession to address the immediate and upcoming challenges we are facing. Business recovery and rebuilding activities, payer dynamics, and resource and financial challenges are among some of the issues we will work to address.

New Initiatives for Pharmacy Leaders

One of the biggest challenges we have all faced is the turbulent workforce environment we have led with our pharmacy teams. These challenges will be amplified as we approach this upcoming school year. It will be crucial to have open communication and creativeness to ensure our teams are supported as we care for our patients and families.  These conversations will not be complete without also being mindful of larger issues in our society as we reflect on the positive steps ASHP has taken with establishing its Task Force on Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We should all take the time to listen to ASHP’s podcasts:

ASHP recently announced the establishment of the Pharmacy Executive Leadership Alliance. This is exciting news and a great example of meeting member needs and how the success of the Section is being taken to new levels to meet the needs of our executive leadership roles and addressing the market challenges we all face.  There will be more information soon, as well as the continued work and resources created by the Section’s Multi-Hospital Pharmacy Executives Committee.

Also, do not forget to hold the date for this year’s Virtual Conference for Pharmacy Leaders.  We are excited at the opportunity it offers our members for excellent educational and roundtable sessions. The Section has a significant role in the development of the programming. Additionally, this year we will be celebrating Tom Woller as the 2020 John W. Webb Lecture Awardee!

In closing, I invite you to continue to share your ideas and provide feedback on how we are serving you.   We hope you take the opportunity to let us know what the important issues that you are facing and some of the solutions you are implementing to navigate this new environment we are all living in.  Our goal as always is to collaborate with members of the Section to bring value to members of ASHP!  Your feedback is important, so please contact us at any time via email


Philip Brummond, Pharm.D., M.S., FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2020-2021)