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Chair Message August 2021

August 2021

Dear Colleagues,

It is my honor to have the privilege to serve as Chair of the Section for 2021-2022. This past year has included unprecedented challenges, and we face continued uncertainty as we head into the fall. However, members of our Section as leaders in the profession have stepped up and shown great leadership. Additionally, the work of our Section has continued despite the challenges we have faced.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge several people who have donated so much of their time to ensure the success of the Section. I would like to thank outgoing Section Executive Committee member Sam Calabrese (outgoing Past Chair) for his contributions over the past several years. I would also like to recognize the continued contributions of Phil Brummond (Immediate Past Chair), Lindsey Kelley (Director at Large), and Mark Sullivan (Director at Large). Additionally, congratulations to Lindsey Amerine (outgoing Director at Large who is now the new Chair Elect) and Dave Hager (Director at Jeff Large Elect) on success with the Section elections. We are looking forward to working with you over the upcoming years!

I would also like to recognize the ongoing work of David Chen, ASHP Assistant Vice President for Pharmacy Leadership and Planning, who really keeps the ship moving for the Section. Last but definitely not least, I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all of our Section Advisory Group and Section Education Steering Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs, and members. The amount and quality of work done by these groups is always amazing. It is even more amazing this year how much work was done given everything else going on in our health systems. The work of the Section could not be done without the efforts of all of these volunteer members.

Speaking of the work of the Section, here are just some of the educational offerings produced by Section membership. The following webinars were completed in the past two months:

Additionally, see this web resource on Six Essential Tools for Effective Team Delegation and this ASHP Podcast on delegation. If you are someone who listens to podcasts, I would highly recommend checking out all of ASHP’s podcasts, especially the ones with a leadership theme.

Another important item which came through the Section this past year was the ASHP Statement on the Roles and Responsibilities of the Pharmacy Executive. This passed through the 2021 ASHP House of Delegates and will appear in AJHP at a future date.

Looking to the coming year, while all pharmacists have a professional obligation to be advocates, as leaders in our health systems and in our profession, I believe we as leaders have a particular responsibility to not only serve as advocates ourselves, but to encourage others in the profession to do the same. There are several pressing advocacy issues facing the profession. The issue of white bagging is one that impacts all of our health systems and one which has been the focus of a lot of effort from the Section. See here for more information on this important topic.

Any discussion of pharmacy advocacy can not get very far without a discussion of pharmacy provider status. We have been fighting for this for many years and we cannot give up. We have made exciting headway on this issue recently, but we cannot rest now. Here is more information on this topic.

Other important advocacy issues include the 340B program, drug pricing, and hospital reimbursement. I am looking forward to this year being one where leaders in the profession set the example, leading to unprecedented grassroots advocacy efforts from the profession.

Speaking of exciting things to happen in the coming year, one event to call your attention to is the return to Chicago for the 2021 ASHP Leaders Conference. We are thrilled to be able to return to a live learning environment to collaborate, network, and share ideas. This event will also include a presentation by the 2021 John W. Webb Lecture Awardee, Kevin Colgan. Registration is currently open for this event.

In closing, please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything the Section or I can do for you. We want to know what issues you are facing and how we can better meet your needs. Additionally, our Section vision statement reads, All pharmacy leaders are empowered to advance practice and patient care. We want to hear anything we can do to help this vision become a reality. Please email us at at any time.

Thank you,

Jeff Little, Pharm.D., M.P.H., BCPS, FACHE, FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2021-2022)
Director of Pharmacy, Saint Luke’s Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri